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Who Will Care for My Child?

What used to be "emergency tactics" is now considered by many as status quo. More than half of married women with children under age 6 work outside the home. Many leave their children in questionable surroundings with equally questionable caretakers. Now people wonder what is wrong with our children and why they commit such violent crimes. The children are going to learn from the people and surroundings they are around the most. Parents can not possibly teach their children when they are not there.

Are We Missing the Point? Why do we have this problem? Is the child-care problem a lack of quality day care facilities and qualified personnel, or is it that mothers are going back to work much too soon? Let's examine the question further. U.S. business leaders and educators are concerned that the country's children aren't going to match up academically in future years with those of their competitors--for example Japan. In Japan the rearing and education of children are still top priorities. Do they have a reason to be concerned? How does custodial care from a parade of caretakers affect fragile, impressionable young minds? I'm talking about day care at its best--with competent personnel and clean, properly furnished facilities. Babies under the care of someone other than their mothers for more than 20 hours a week during the first year of life are adversely affected. These children are insecure and more likely to be excessively aggressive and uncooperative in school. Human infants acquire more knowledge before they are a year old than they will in any other comparable year of their lives. A baby quickly learns to recognize mother and difinitely prefers her face and voice. Babies that are breast fed show an average of a 20% increase in intellect over their entire lives. By the time they are 5 or 6 months old, most mental and physical abilities acquired will depend upon the response and interest of the primary care giver. Even though the baby is not speaking yet their dialect is already "programmed" into their brains. A baby left alone for long periods becomes not only lonely, but also frustrated. He or she is not able to exercise, and thus develop all the new skills he or she is learning. This will cause the frequency with which the infant expresses himself in making sounds to decrease and the language development will slow. It's unnerving to visualize the effect that emotional near abandonment is having on our society.

For those considering day care from almost day one; if you do not love your child enough to properly care for him/her then you do not deserve to have children! YOU are a large problem with this country and it's moral decline. If you are so unfortunate that you are a single parent, at least seek out the best care you can find for your child. Be sure the care giver meets all state requirements. Check up on references. Are children left unattended? There should be no more than 3 children per adult. Are the other children happy? How do they disipline? Make surprise visits to check on safety, cleanliness, and proper nutrition. It is the parents responsibility to care for their children. Not teachers, the government, or day care!